Most Common Dental Conditions & How They Can Be Treated

Common Dental Condition Treatments

How much do you know about the most common dental conditions?

There are a large number of minor & serious dental conditions that can affect people of all ages. You can avoid or effectively manage/treat most conditions when you know what symptoms to look out for and how to prevent problems in the first place.

Given the fact that your adult teeth are supposed to last a lifetime, it really pays to understand when something is wrong with your oral health, so you can seek the best treatment as quickly as possible!

Here are six of the most common dental conditions, their symptoms, the treatment options, and how to prevent them:

Condition One: Tooth Decay

Common symptoms: Sensitivity, toothache, bad breath, dark spots on teeth

Tooth decay – also known as cavities or dental caries – refers to a softening of the outer layer of the tooth due to acid attacks. read more

My Child Brushes Regularly & Still Gets Cavities – Why?

Sheehan Dental – Dentistry for Children in Palos Park, IL

Cavities are a problem that affect millions of children in the US and around the world. The problem is so widespread that it impacts more than a quarter of children aged 2 to 5, and this number rises to in excess of 40% for children between the ages of 2 and 11, who will develop at least one cavity during their childhood. While very common, cavities can be prevented, and brushing plays a big but not absolute part in this.

Brushing is one of the most important dental hygiene practices for children and adults. The importance of brushing cannot be understated, as it prevents a build-up of plaque, stimulates the gums, and protects against problems like cavities. However, in much the same way that for a healthy body both exercise and a good diet are important, brushing alone cannot prevent cavities in entirety.  read more

Types of Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy

Periodontal Therapy – Periodontitis

Periodontitis, also commonly referred to as gum disease, is one of the most common diseases in the world; it’s estimated to affect almost half of all Americans. Whilst common, the condition can be very serious, as the structures that support teeth become inflamed; this can cause teeth to fall out and the jaw to be severely damaged.

Periodontal disease can be reversed in its very early form, a condition known as gingivitis, but once the gum disease has advanced, the only option available is to treat the disease and manage the symptoms. Treatments available include both surgical and non-surgical options.

It’s often the case that non-surgical options for managing the condition will be explored first, as they’re normally more affordable and significantly less invasive. While non-surgical treatments are not always possible, or the most effective option, they can be incredibly beneficial in many cases. Non-surgical treatments are often where dentists choose to begin when suggesting initial treatment for periodontitis. read more

Dental Implants vs Dentures – What’s the Difference?

Dental Implants vs Dentures

When a child loses a baby tooth it’s a very important milestone in their development, but when an adult or teenager loses a tooth it can be incredibly worrying. Losing a tooth as an adult can drastically change the appearance of your smile, making you lose confidence in the look of your teeth and causing you to adjust the way that you eat and drink.

Tooth loss can be the cause of an injury sustained to the mouth or it can be the result of a disease or tooth decay. No matter the reason behind the tooth loss, receiving treatment for the lost tooth from a family dentistry is of the upmost importance, both for your oral health and for the confidence that you have in your smile.

Two treatments that are often suggested in the event of a lost tooth are dental implants and dentures. Both of these treatments are able to restore the natural look of your smile but in very different ways, that certainly aren’t interchangeable. read more

Tooth Enamel Health Means Much More Than Just Brushing

Though your smile is perhaps the most striking part of your body, it is also one of the easiest to damage, as well as extremely difficult restore because of the very thing protecting it: the tooth enamel.

Covering the outer layer of your teeth, the tooth enamel is the hardest and most highly mineralized substance in the human body, which is why it is the primary defense in preventing tooth decay. Tooth enamel protects the inner layer of each tooth from the corrosive effects of acids and plaque, as well as from extremely hot or cold food and beverages.

Unlike the rest of the human body, tooth enamel is not comprised of any living cells and therefore cannot regenerate, making it even more important to take active steps to care for your tooth enamel while you still have it.

The Ultimate Guide to Tooth Enamel

tooth enamel, teeth, oral care, general dentistry

Damage To Tooth Enamel

Because tooth enamel does not contain living cells, it’s difficult to feel its damage as you might other parts of your body like skin or muscle. read more

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