Dos and Don’ts of Teeth Whitening

We’ve seen more and more smiling faces around town the past few weeks as the temperature has been slowly easing us out of Chicagoland’s winter hibernation.

And of course, we love smiling faces! But as people are getting out and about more as summer approaches, we’ve noticed that a lot of our patients are asking about teeth whitening. So, we thought we’d give you some info on one of the most popular smile-improvement techniques: making those pearly whites even whiter.

Everyday Teeth Whitening Rules

There are three key rules for keeping your teeth white for everyone and they are pretty simple. If you’re happy with your tooth color, follow these three steps to keep your smile gleaming as long as possible:

  1. Brush, floss, rinse!

The number one thing you can do to get whiter teeth – or to keep your teeth bright – is to do what we recommend for everyone: brush, floss, and rinse regularly. read more


Consider Invisalign® clear braces to get the beautiful straight teeth you’ve always wanted – without metal braces.  A complimentary consultation with Dr. F. Michael Sheehan can determine if Invisalign® is right for you. read more


Our implants provide a strong foundation for fixed or removable replacement teeth that are made to match your natural teeth. read more


Our expert team can restore your beautiful smile with precision and care. read more

Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy

Our staff’s missions is to provide you with the personalized, gentle care that you deserve. read more

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